University of Michigan economist Mark Perry, using Department of Education data prepared this useful - and startling - chart at left.
Perry shows that men are now on the wrong side of the degree gap at every stage of education. US Education Department projections though 2017 show a worsening picture for men with every passing year.
Here are Perry's figures for the class of 2009:
Associate’s degrees: 167 women for every 100 men.If there is a crisis in the academy, ... it is not that women Ph.D.s are being shortchanged in math and science hiring and tenure committees, for that is not true. It is that men are quickly becoming the second sex in American education.
Bachelor’s degrees: 142 women for every 100 men.
Master’s degrees: 159 women for every 100 men.
Professional degrees: 104 women for every 100 men.
Doctoral degrees: 107 women for every 100 men.
Degrees at all levels: 148 women for every 100 men.