The United States has finally forced Honduras to knuckle under. After weeks of diplomatic and financial arm-twisting, the USA has pressured Honduras to restore would-be leftist dictator Manuel Zelaya to power in spite of Honduras' legally exercising its own democratic constitution to oust him.
Much more on this story at
Fausta's Blog, including this photo:

This is Manuel Zelaya meeting with US Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Shannon in the Brazilian embassy. Zelaya has been holed up here for weeks.
Note the tinfoil covered windows.
Zelaya told
The Miami Herald he is being subjected to mind-altering gas and radiation and that 'Israeli mercenaries' are planning to assassinate him.
The real "silver lining" to all of this it is that Honduras will hold democratic presidential elections on November 29.
UPDATE: From William Jacobson -
Chicago comes to Honduras.
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