Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cigarettes - What Allergic Smokers Already Knew

As a now-reformed long-term smoker, I will never go back to the devil weed. But as an allergy sufferer I also knew that when I was in the midst of a dust or pollen induced sneezing fit, I could break the attack by simply lighting up. Other allergic smokers have told me the same thing. Doctors I spoke to however were incredulous and I, like them, knew not to confuse anecdotes with data.

Now here comes the science: A new study at Utrecht University in the Netherlands shows cigarette smoke decreases the allergic response by inhibiting the activity of mast cells, the major players in the immune system's response to allergens.

Oddly though, I have had fewer allergy symptoms since I quit smoking. This suggests to me that something in tobacco smoke causes an allergic response, while something else in tobacco smoke suppresses that response. Insidious. More data please.