If the technology works - this has never been done before - it will mark a milestone in the development of new media. But it is the message that is most important.
You can pick up the live stream at 8PM Eastern (9:30PM in Newfoundland) at one of these mirrors (I'll post more mirrors if I find them in time):
Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood
UPDATE: The technology worked. The film streamed perfectly. To those of us who have been in-the-know on the global warming hoax all along the film was heartening and beautifully made. But in the end it was preaching to the choir.
However, for those who weren't certain about what Al Gore's bogus religion will mean to the world this has to be a blockbuster. I hope this film is shown in every high school from here to Timbuktu. Especially in schools where An Inconvenient Truth was played as received wisdom.
It's a little early yet, but as soon as I see further commentary on "Not Evil Just Wrong" I will link it here. I, as an informed individual, cannot recommend this film too much. And to the emailer who thinks it's "just Farenheit 9/11 for Donkey haters", don't be blinded by politics. Watch the film and be enlightened.
UPDATE: A review at BigHollywood.
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