Sunday, September 6, 2009

Van The Man Gets Canned

Van Jones that is. If your only source of US news is the legacy media you will likely have never heard of Van Jones, Obama's "green czar". Up to now that is.

Jones resigned this morning - just after midnight on a Sunday of a long holiday weekend - by email.

William Jacobson writes at Legal Insurrection:
The MSM is treating the Van Jones Affair as just another historical example of the vast right-wing conspiracy, without the slightest note that the MSM was dragged kicking and screaming into covering the story when Jones' resignation made it impossible to ignore.
Jones was forced to resign after a lengthy and growing series of gaffes in recent weeks, including racial slurs against whites, a connection with the so-called 9/11 "truther" movement and his own self-avowed communism. None of which was covered in the main stream media, and none of which came up, apparently, when he was being vetted for the big job at the White House.