Thursday, July 2, 2009

Honduras Acts Legally, Gets Condemned. Iran, Not So Much

William A. Jacobson is an Associate Clinical Professor of Law at Cornell. He writes an excellent blog titled Legal Insurrection. Here he writes about the turmoil in Honduras:
Poor and tiny Honduras faces the full wrath of the United States, United Nations, and much of the rest of the world, while nothing is done about Iran. On Iran, Obama and the world acted with the utmost deference, and there were no efforts by the Obama administration at international action. None.

But Honduras, enforcing its own laws against a renegade wannabe President-for-life, for some reason warrants the full force of the United States government and international community. Honduras gets condemnation from Obama, while Chavez gets hugs and Ahmadinejad gets deference. Wonderful. No, horrible.
Update: From the Christian Science Monitor:
Sometimes, the whole world prefers a lie to the truth. The White House, the United Nations, the Organization of American States, and much of the media have condemned the ouster of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya this past weekend as a coup d'état.

That is nonsense.

In fact, what happened here is nothing short of the triumph of the rule of law.