Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Brown Wins In Massachusetts

The Associated Press reported a few minutes ago that Republican Scott Brown has been elected as the new senator from Massachusetts and the news is spreading across the internet as I type.

Brown's election to Teddy Kennedy's old seat is a stunning turnaround for Republicans in the Democratic bastion of Massachusetts and a repudiation of Democrat leadership and policies. It is certainly one for the books. 

Some were already calling this one of the most significant elections in American history.
"This is going to be the most significant special election in modern American history if Scott Brown wins," said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. He predicted a Brown win would buoy every other "long-shot" Republican candidate in the country and add fuel to the party's momentum going into the midterms this fall.

More immediately, a Brown win would pose big problems for Obama's agenda items, not the least of which is health care reform. Brown, should he win, would break the Democrats' 60-vote, filibuster-proof majority, sending Democrats into a scramble to pass the health care bill before he arrives.

Though Republicans have occasionally been a political force in state politics, Massachusetts voters have not sent a Republican to represent them in the U.S. Senate since 1972. Every member of the state delegation currently in Washington is a Democrat.

UPDATE: Hard nosed analysis from Tom Blumer at Pajamas Media.
In electing Scott Brown to what the elites believed was Ted Kennedy’s U.S. Senate seat one day shy of the anniversary of Barack Obama’s inauguration, Massachusetts voters have delivered an irrefutable repudiation of the president, his agenda, and the people in Congress who support him.

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