In Copenhagen, 34,000 delegates, 5,000 journalists, 98 world leaders and tens of thousands of demonstrators are arriving for the global warming conference on 140 private jets and countless commercial flights and riding in over 1200 limousines. Copenhagen airport will be so over capacity the private jets will drop off their passengers then fly off somewhere else to park and then fly back later. The limos have to be driven to Denmark from all over Europe. France alone needs 42. And the hotels. And the food. And the hookers.
So, how much carbon dioxide will this grandiose event produce during the 11 day event? About 41,000 tons. That's roughly equivalent to the same amount produced by a city of about 500,000 people over the same time period.At they're calling it Carbonhagen:
And what do the Copenhagen summit organizers hope to accomplish? Nothing really. It will produce no binding agreement. No Kyoto-type treaty. Merely a "statement of intent" that holds no one accountable.
And we're supposed to take the global warming alarmists seriously? Please.
These guys don’t really believe what they’re saying — that we’re on the verge of a global apocalypse because of anthropogenic global warming, or man-made climate change, or whatever they’re calling it this week — or else they’d never burn another ounce of fuel in their lives. They’d never go anywhere that can’t be reached on foot, and even then, they’d try to find a way to lower their CO2 emissions.These global warmists are simply not acting like it's a crisis.
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