Friday, December 18, 2009

Obama In Copenhagen

From today's National Post:
"Obama has said nothing to save the Copenhagen conference from failure."

Well, good.

Also good: Stephen Harper keeps his head down.
The Prime Minister once called Kyoto "a socialist scheme to suck money out of wealth-producing nations." Copenhagen may yield an improved agreement, if non-Kyoto signatories like China, India, Brazil and the United States are included. But it remains a giant wealth transfer mechanism.

Anyone who doubts this should read yesterday's editorial in the Wall Street Journal, which details how Corus, Europe's second-largest steel-maker, has shut a giant plant at Redcar in England, cutting 1,700 jobs.

Corus, owned by Tata of India, will now be able to sell its excess of carbon allowances, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, because it will produce six million fewer tons of CO2.
Hope. And change.

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