Friday, August 21, 2009

More On Global Wobbling

The great story in environmental science that nobody is talking about - yet - is the confirmation that global warming is caused by the a combination of a regular wobble in the earth's rotation and it's elliptical orbit.

This proof of cyclical global warming and cooling driven by orbital physics identifies no role for carbon dioxide.

The news is published under the daunting title "Evidence for Obliquity Forcing of Glacial Termination II" (subscribers only) in the current edition of the journal Nature.

Please. If you care about rational science, make your way through this analysis from The Resilient Earth. This is really good news.

And see this from earlier. Although bear in mind that the scientist quoted, Peter Clark, is not one of the authors of the Science paper and falls into the trap of assuming the orbital effect will be magnified since, well, everybody knows CO2 is driving climate change. Oops.

Update: That didn't take long. The warmists just don't give up. And why would they? Their livelihoods are at stake.
Warming oceans could cause Earth's axis to tilt in the coming century, a new study suggests. The effect was previously thought to be negligible, but researchers now say the shift will be large enough that it should be taken into account when interpreting how the Earth wobbles.