Friday, June 26, 2009

Warmists' Slim Victory No Reason To Celebrate

The 1200-page Waxman-Markey cap and trade global warming bill squeaked through the US Congress by seven votes this evening, 219-212.

While Democrats are hailing this as a huge victory, the future of the bill is by no means certain, especially with the narrow margin of the win and the new and better climate science that is emerging.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier today:
"...the Senate isn’t anywhere close to passing a climate-change bill—and has scuttled attempts to speed up the process. The top Republican on the Senate environment committee, noted global warming skeptic James Inhofe, has said flatly that the Senate version of the bill won’t pass. “It’s just not going to happen,” the Oklahoma Republican said recently."
As an interested outsider, I hope they are right.

And this from yesterday:
"The house of cards that is the science behind "climate change" is collapsing at exactly the same time it is being imposed by the Obama administration and Congress as an ideological "truth." America is facing the perfect storm of an imploding scientific theory that will be enforced by the rule of law.