Saturday, June 27, 2009

Republican Votes Swung The Global Warming Bill That Nobody Read

The Waxman-Markey global warming bill passed through the US Congress Friday night 219-212 -- a margin of seven votes. Fully forty-four Democrats opposed the bill. But eight Republicans voted for it. If those Republicans had voted against the bill it would have been defeated by a margin of one vote.

Citizens who worry about massive political action based on disputed science might want to know who those Republicans were who voted for "the biggest tax in American history" and how did the Democrats get to them.

And wrap your head around this: Although this bill is now passed, there exists no complete copy. Americans cannot just print one off or even buy one. The thousand-plus page bill and its 300-pages of amendments are not combined in a single file making the bill sheer drudgery to read. So nobody has. And it's already passed the congress.

Perhaps the US Senators will now read the bill before they vote. For if they do not they will set a frightful precedent: Legislation that has not yet been written can be passed into law.

America, America wherefore art thou?

Read the comments too.